Alice B. Toklas Club Alice B. Toklas Club

Statement on Senator Padilla’s Vote for the NDAA

December 19, 2024

Statement from the Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ Democratic Club on Senator Padilla’s Vote for the NDAA

The Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ Democratic Club is deeply disappointed by Senator Alex Padilla’s vote in favor of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes harmful provisions targeting transgender dependents of servicemembers. This discriminatory legislation strips access to gender-affirming care under TRICARE for nearly 6,500 military families, marking the first federal anti-LGBTQ statute passed in years.

GLAAD said it best:

“Congress has now passed the first anti-LGBTQ federal statute in years, one that will directly harm thousands of service members and their families, and impact the security of every American family. The anti-transgender, anti-family provision in the National Defense Authorization Act will baselessly distract service members from their missions and duty to worry about their own families, a situation the U.S. government should never impose on the troops who put their lives on the line.

This provision does nothing to prioritize national security or military readiness. America’s military heroes, including their families, should always be assured that their safety and freedoms are respected and protected.”

Senator Padilla has enjoyed the endorsement of the Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ Democratic Club, and his vote on this legislation is a betrayal of the values that earned him our support. At a time when LGBTQ families and children are under constant attack, we expect our Democratic leaders to stand firmly for equality and justice. Casting a vote to strip critical health care from military families and transgender children contradicts these values and fails to meet the leadership standard our community deserves.

We also take this opportunity to commend Senator Adam Schiff for his courage and integrity in voting against the NDAA and rejecting this discriminatory provision. As his spokesperson Marisol Samayoa stated:

“Sen. Schiff believes the annual NDAA should be a nonpartisan piece of legislation to ensure our national security, and efforts to withhold make-or-break funds from our ally Ukraine, or to introduce divisive policy riders that undermine access to lifesaving health care for military families are unacceptable.”

Senator Padilla, this moment calls for reflection and action. We urge you to reaffirm your commitment to protecting the rights of LGBTQ people and their families, especially in the face of continued legislative attacks. Our servicemembers and their families deserve nothing less than your unwavering support.

In solidarity,

Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ Democratic Club

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