Special June Membership Events:

June 10 - Thank You SF Labor! More info >>

June 15 - SF Giants Pride Game Happy Hour! More info >>

June 22 - BID FOR MORE in '24 - Support Candidate Dallas Harris More info >>

June 23 - Sunday Streets with Alice - Tenderloin More info >>

June 25 - Board of Supervisors District 11 Candidate Forum More info >>

June 30 - Pride Breakfast! Buy tickets >>

All of our membership meetings are open for the public to attend!

Welcome to Alice.

The Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ Democratic Club is the oldest queer Democratic club in the country. Founded in 1971, two years after the Stonewall riots, Alice has fought for a society that is truly fair to all for more than 50 years. Our club is open to people of all genders and sexualities who want to help us transform politics at the local, state, and national level.

We are committed to organizing queer power to fight back against Republican divisiveness and to protect LGBTQ rights and representation in California and across the country. As members of Alice we educate each other and our community, provide a network for those interested in public service, and train future LGBTQ and ally leaders in politics and government.

Board of Directors Application:

Do you identify as LGBTQ, are a member of the Democratic Party, and interested in joining our Board of Directors? Fill out the below form and someone from our team will be in touch.